Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Climate change: seeking an impossible solution?

2015 fireworks for a new start

As the old year draws to a close and a new one fast approaches, it is a good time for reflection on the past and hopes for the future. Elections and climate change discussions will feature strongly in 2015.

In November 2013, I attended an event at the British Library aimed at inspiring new entrepreneurs. My lasting takeaway was that even the most tumultuous start can lead to spectacular success. Lord Young emphasised the attraction of being in charge of your own destiny. Today, he appears in the New Year's Honours' list for his 50 year contribution to British public life. Margaret Thatcher famously said of him that "other people bring me problems; David brings me solutions". Solutions are just what every client wants to their business problems. Translators and interpreters are often key players in working towards such solutions.

There is a tendency in the world to think that we cannot change things. The advantage of getting older is that you can remember any number of times in the past when people said something couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t ever be changed… when the world seemed on the brink of disaster … and then something or someone budged.  The collapse of the Berlin Wall was just such an example... and yet we celebrated its 25th anniversary this year.

Eastside Gallery Berlin, 2014

Let me share my somewhat ambitious wishes for change in 2015:

1. Greater world peace has to be high on the 2015 agenda. (I am no Miss World). I would like greater harmony to be won with recognition for the value and role of professional translators and interpreters.

2. As a mother with an interest in the world after I am long gone, I would like to see a little less focus from our politicians on short-term economic gains and the next elections. We need some true statesmen and stateswomen with more selfless ambitions and greater solutions in the run-up to the UN's climate talks in Paris at COP21

To quote Nelson Mandela: It always seems impossible until it is done.

© Romolo Tavani -

Let's believe we can change our planet's destiny and come up with the long-term solutions.

Karen Andrews runs
Anglicity Ltd. She is an
entrepreneurial French
to English translator,
content writer,
marketer and Mum.
Her home city of
Bristol will be
inspiring change
as 2015's
European Green Capital.

What are your wishes and resolutions for the world 2015?

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